Saturday, June 14, 2008

doing things you enjoy

I've recently re-discovered some of my hobbies that I did when I was younger.

Initial D Version 4
My new pocket trumpet

I've started taking pictures (Canon EOS 10D) , playing badminton, playing Intial D (a driving video arcade game) and playing musical instruments like the trumpet, piano, and guitar.

It's given me something else to think about and do besides work and it's making things better.

A friend and co-worker recently said during a conversation , "find the little things that make you happy during your day and focus on them".

I think sometimes we need to find things that make us happy and take the positives from it and fill our day with happiness.

What is something that has made you happy today?


Anonymous said...

I think it's great that you have hobbies and are learning to enjoy life! :)

Family always makes me happy... so today is the same... Family warms my heart. =)

Anonymous said...

I definitely agree that finding little things that make you happy is great!

Remember I used to be excited about the street lamps turning on just as I drove by? hehe